Become a Member

Why become a member?

Have access to scientific papers​

Assist to Webinar Program

Get a discount for IEEE events

Why become a member?

Have access to scientific papers

Assist to Webinar Program

Get a discount for IEEE events

​How to subscribe in 3 steps ?

Step 2

Manage your membership :

  • Be sure to subscribe as a Student Member
  • Put "University of Bordeaux" as Affiliation
  • Specify our student branch chair ‘‘Samir Lagoug’’ with his IEEE number ‘‘98793298’’ in the Refering Member Number field ​​​ 

Step 3

You can now add Society Membership. These memberships are focused on a specialized field of Electronical Engineering. Our student branch has  8 IEEE represented chapters : MTT, AP, CAS, SSCS, EMB, SP, IM & AESS.

→ find out about represented chapters